Hahahaha, not silly, hahahaha, no My mother, I meant the singer looks like a super freak combination of Cher, Mónica Naranjo, Kylie Minogue and Marilyn Manson, and has a horrible super famous song that hate with Mexican hates and says: My My My poker face, my, my, poker face? The other day we were home of Martina and Bert Jan, my sister in law and her husband, and saw the video where the girl use sun glasses made of knives and bizarre super models seems to be inspired by Aliens and Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. I liked a lot, because the song is catchy, as is the modern sticky, tomorrow will be forgotten, but now: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh, Caught in a bad romance, I want your loving , I want your revenge, You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh - oh-oooh, Caught in a bad romance "is the most played song of my "aipoh" well ok, my ATVI player with 2GB made in Taiwan. It is not the only thing that has changed in me, food is now so ugly I do not know why, and although I miss the tamales, carnitas, tacos al pastor, "Adan y Charito"’s tortas cubanas and "El Tejar” barbecues but nowadays I find not so ugly butters, dry breads, potatoes and sausages from here. Of course, stale beer does not fit with me, call me kinky, I don’t care, I will work and I'll buy my Coronas, though it costs 7 euros, or 140 pesos for a six pack, apart from that everything seems familiar, faces, moods, cold, and the Netherlands with its beautiful houses in half-light yellow. This is very beautiful to be real, I would attribute the change in attitude perhaps for the fact that in my head I do to the idea that I will lives here for a while or maybe the Jet Lag; this stupid time disorderhead did not recognize the new time zone in which you are, in my case I lost 7 hours and despite my efforts and several cups of coffee could not stay awake at noon Dutchman, or half asleep frigid night. I do not understand is why so far and why it has taken so long?, Can the Jet Lag be the cause of my taste for the video of Lady Gaga and the Netherlands food?, Am I wasting my good taste? I decided to ask google doctor and he said: * The Jet Lag is called "circadian dysrhythmia," or "time-zone syndrome," and it produced an imbalance between a person's internal clock (which marks the period of sleep and wakefulness) and the new schedule, is set to travel through several time regions. * The internal clock of the person tends to prevail, therefore, to travel east, people will not sleep when the night has come, for travel to the west, will sleep in the daytime. Add to that that I blame the two p.m. appear as 6, and no later than 5 seem almost midnight, damn, I'm like a little chicken affected by solar eclipse. * Possible symptoms caused by jet lag include: fatigue, general fatigue which is the most common digestive problems, confusion in making decisions or talking (Lady Gaga resolved conflict, confusion English, Spanish, Netherlands justified), forgetfulness, irritability and apathy. * The body clock of a passenger suffering from Jet Lag needs time - from days to weeks depending on the person - to adapt to new surroundings and the new schedule. Fortunately, as I am a person of light and peace, focusing on solutions rather than conflict, I found some solutions: Studies suggest that intense exercise in the early morning the first day after a lag time can accelerate the adaptation to the new schedule. *Go out for sunlight enters your body and avoid artificial light helps reset the body clock. Sleeping with the light stomach, drinking warm milk and foods such as oatmeal, cherries, corn, red wine, tomatoes, potatoes, walnuts, onion, mint, sage, thyme and rice as these triple the production of melatonin, * Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, is located right in the center of the brain, which process is inhibited by light and stimulated by darkness. For this reason melatonin has been called "the hormone of darkness". The secretion of melatonin peaks in the middle of the night, and gradually falls during the second half of the night. * Melatonin induces activity in nocturnal animals and leads to sleep in the daytime. * Many consumers have experienced melatonin increased realism and often in his dreams, and improves quality. Footnote, stronger heating to sleep "rather toasty" worse sleep quality, dry throat and eyes, and also causes nightmares, I even dreamed of returning to work and put me Cinépolis to clean bathrooms and make many popcorn. Also the poor Orestes goes all disoriented, my only company, but the bastard had better and go to sleep, which narcoleptic, everywhere, every time, and he already know how to get into the blankets and no divine power that can remove him until Rob, as Malinche, come home. Baby you lived in the garbage before I adopting you!, understand this bitch, the blonde is mine and you, and you, and you, you gonna love meeeee, aaaaaah aaaaah aaaaah, you gonna love meee! I can not stand that romance, I hate it and want, I want "I want to love you and want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh - oh-oooh, caught of a bad romances”. Shit, Orestes and me most sleep better, finally I get the solution: A 2007 study with mice showed that sildenafil (also known as Viagra) helped for quicker recovery of changes in their daily cycles. This result was found only for changes in advance (which would travel to the east experienced by humans) and was effective starting at low doses. Manufacturers use it as a non-medicated. Rob Do I need a prescription to buy Viagra in the Netherlands or you can steal some of your Dad??? Shut up, you started with my mother. |
Casamiento o ‘moros con cristianos’
Arroz y frijoles, el matrimonio perfecto, a esta mescla mi tía Elsa le dice de una forma, mi abuelita de otra, que por cierto es de la misma forma en que le llaman los cubanos; la idea es no es momento de desperdiciar la comida.
Sobras de los frijoles, negros de preferencia, separarlos del caldo.
Sobras del arroz, mejor si es blanco aunque en realidad se puede ser tolerante y hasta creativo.
¼ de cebolla finamente picada.
Una cucharadita pequeña de ajo muy picado
Chiles serranos secos, opcional.
Aceite o manteca de cerdo
Modo de preparación
En una sartén plana grande se fríe la cebolla en el aceite o manteca de cerdo a fuego medio/bajo hasta que se dore un poco se agrega el ajo y el chile y freír por uno o dos segundos.
Incorporar inmediatamente los frijoles y machacarlos hasta hacer un puré al que los mexicanos llamamos ‘frijoles refritos’, seguir machacando y moviendo hasta que la mezcla haya perdido la mayor parte de su humedad.
Incorporar el arroz, frio de preferencia para que no se bata, bajar el fuego y remover un par de ocasiones más.
Esta mezcla puede convertirse en un complemento perfecto para unos bistecitos asados, de pollo, res o puerco; unas deliciosas milanesas o un filetito empanizado de pescado, claro que también se pueden atacar solitos, o con unos huevitos, revueltos, estrellados, a la mexicana, con papas, etc. No hay que pasar por alto que saben a gloria en un bolillo (micha jarocha o pistolette holandesa) con un poquito de queso panela u holandés, ¡wow! Este romance sí que prosperó.
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